St Mary's C of E (Aided) Primary School, Pulborough
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Welcome to St Mary's C of E (Aided) Primary School, Pulborough

Welcome - We hope you enjoy your visit to our website. We are a happy and successful village primary school, passionate about the well-being and learning of our children. We live by our mission statement:  'We treasure each child and enable them to flourish, using their God-given potential, establishing a secure foundation for them to thrive in a rapidly changing world. We are a Christ-centred school, with a child-centred curriculum where wisdom and love guide and influence learning and teaching for our whole community.'

Our unique selling points are: 
Well-resourced Early Years, 11 well-resourced classrooms, a new reading scheme linked to our phonics scheme, two large, fully equipped assembly/PE halls, an extensive field for all children to use, wireless laptops, tablets and Chromebooks, a pastoral support room to meet the needs of the children with play and art therapist, interactive screens in every classroom, a quiet garden area, a Forest School site for outdoor learning, Early Birds Breakfast Club and Roosters after-school provision, a swimming pool on site, strong, established links with St Mary's Church, Big Top for the end of year production, evidence-based interventions , half-termly curriculum topics linked to progression of skills and knowledge and a dedicated PTA who support the school in a variety of ways. 
Our Christian values for the first half of the Spring Term are

''Humility, Service and Forgiveness"

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